planting a woodland: cinnabar moth caterpillars - 2006

to see larger images, click on the text below each picture
May 2006
entrance gate

view from entrance
May 2006 view out
from entrance

hazel copse
May 2006
the hazel copse

east hedge
May 2006
hedge on east side

tulip tree
May 2006
the tulip tree

the cherries
May 2006
the cherries

view southwards
May 2006
view southwards

view northwards
May 2006
view northwards

rosebay willowherb
July 2006
a clump of  purple
rosebay willowherb
young holm oaks
July 2006
some young
holm oaks

a cinnebar moth caterpillar
July 2006
a cinnabar moth

cinnabars on ragwort
July 2006
cinnabars feeding
on ragwort

click below for more pictures:

1989-1991 starting out
1996-1999 planting
2000-2003 planting
2004 good growth
2005  tulip tree

Cinnabar moth caterpillars

In July 2006 we released 1,600 cinnabar moth caterpillars into the field with the aim of establishing a permanent colony to help to control ragwort.  We did this, according to instructions, by releasing them in a triangle at one end of the field which has been shown to increase their chances of survival.  But, before releasing them, we were pleased to find there were some cinnabar moth caterpillars already in the field. We do not know if these were survivors from our previous release of 500 caterpillars a few years earlier, or if they had come in from the wild. We think the latter is unlikely, as weedkillers and pesticides are commonly used in the surrounding fields and verges. We use neither in our field.

For information and more pictures of the cinnabar moth go to the links below:
Cinnabar moth colours:
Moving pictures of cinnabar moth caterpillars:

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