Silent People :   Hearing the Call of the Dodder           »» See trailer...                   
is about the silent people who wander among us looking lost, as if they don't quite belong, but don't know how to leave; who 'struggle all their lives to fit into a world... that feels entirely alien to them, if not downright hostile.'

Hebe, who also struggles to fit in, feels drawn to the silent people and yet,  'I could hardly bear to watch them sometimes, knowing what I did about their plight...'  She is haunted by memories of Silas, the 'wild dodder boy'  who befriended her when she was a child in Dodder's Well.   She lost touch with him after a disastrous flood and is always watching the river in the hope of seeing him again. 

Now, returning to her childhood haunts, she finds his home is under threat...
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There is a saying, 'he who finds the root of the dodder will become possessed of boundless wealth and of the power of invisibility.'

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Silent People : Hearing the Call of the Dodder 
is published by Troubador Publishers Ltd and is available in hardback and paperback from all good
bookshops and on numerous websites, including  and  (Hardback click here    Softback click here )

To order direct from the publisher (including the Special Offer for Reading Groups click here

Silent People: Hearing the Call of the Dodder

'A haunting tale that echoes
in the mind long after the book has been put down.'

     Judie Newman, Fellow of the English Association

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