Percival Copeland Jerrold,
son of Thomas Serle Jerrold & Jane Matilda (3)
Copeland was born
24th January 1859
at St Peters, Kent, Isle of Thanet and died 10th February 1933 at
Oxbow, Saskatchewan. He married Clara
Ann Lewis 7th
July 1887 at Lambeth. She was born 9th June 1866 at Melton East, Easton
Square, London and died 18th January 1953 at Lloydminster,
Saskatchewan. Their children were: (1) Jerrold born 1888 at Qu'appelle, Saskatchewan and died 1889 at Indian Head, Saskatchewan. (2) Mary Matilda Jerrold. (A twin) Born 15th June 1894, Sth. Qu'appelle Assoc. NWT. Died 11th Sept.1982 at Lloydminster, Saskatchewan. Married John David Thiessen on 7th July 1925 at Irvine, Alberta. He was born 8th Oct. 1897 at Gretna, NE and died 25th Nov. 1966 at Lloydminster, Saskatchewan. Their children were: (1) Florence
Kathleen Thiessen
(2) Gordon
Douglas Thiessen
(3) Grace Mary
(6) Muriel Francis Jerrold. Born 13th Aug.1898, Sth Qu'appelle Assocoation, NWT. Died 8th June 1966 at Mountainview, Calgary, Alberta. Married George Warren Wilcox 24th February 1927 at Gainsborough SK. Their children were: (1) Richard Wilcox (2) William Wilcox
(3) Warren Howard Wilcox.
Born 22nd January 1928. Died
April 1940.
(4) Robert
(1) Douglas Moore
(2) Geraldine Moore
(3) Lucille Moore